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Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at:


Customer Enquiry Hotline 1: (852) 3116 8866

Customer Enquiry Hotline 2: (852) 6011 1070

(If you have already placed an order with us, please have your order number ready. It will help to facilitate our process.)


Email: info@multious.com


MSN Messenger: multious@hotmail.com.hk


Payment Notification Email: payment@multious.com

(If you have already placed an order with us, please include your order number and bank receipt in your email.)


Postal Address: Room 1901, 19/F, Omega Plaza, 3234A Dundas Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Alternatively, you may fill in your information below. We will respond to your enquires as quickly as possible.



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